Course Database
Portfolio Risk Management
English Advanced
Master the theory and practice of risk management applied to portfolios comprisi...
1 Days $1,395.00$1,395.00 -
Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution
English Advanced
Conduct portfolio performance measurement and attribution...
2 Days $2,695.00$2,695.00 -
Advanced Derivatives Professional Certificate
English Advanced
Gain a deep understanding of derivative instruments. Learn the essential underl...
5 Days $5,995.00$5,995.00 -
Advanced Portfolio Management Professional Certificate
English Advanced
Rigorous survey of the advanced tools and techniques employed in the practice of...
5 Days $5,995.00$5,995.00 -
Advanced Credit Risk Professional Certificate
English Advanced
A comprehensive survey of credit risk modeling, valuation and credit risk manage...
5 Days $5,995.00$5,995.00 -
International Banking
English Advanced
This introductory course covers the rise of international banking and the intern...
1 Hours $119.00$119.00 -
Value at Risk (VaR)
English Advanced
This course provides an up-to-date working knowledge of all aspects of VaR analy...
20 Hours $350.00$350.00 -
Derivative Mathematics
English Advanced
Learn the essential mathematics used in the valuation and risk management of der...
2 Days $2,695.00$2,695.00 -
Advanced Alternative Investments
English Advanced
Learn advanced valuation, risk management and portfolio management techniques ap...
1 Days $1,395.00$1,395.00 -
Relative Volatility and Dispersion Trading
English Advanced
Understand and quantify the correlation risk of dispersion trading and equity vo...
1 Days $1,279.00From $1,023.20
To $895.30
Volatility and Variance Swaps
English Advanced
Understand the terms and benefits of using variance swaps to improve payoffs....
1 Days $1,395.00$1,395.00